Blog Post

Decorating On A Budget

  • By Jennifer White
  • 09 Jul, 2019

Getting tired of the same old wall decor?  Changing your wall decor each season can be done on a budget.

Photos by Jennifer White With Timeless Moments Photography.
Do you get tired or even bored of looking at the same old photos on your walls?  Changing out your decorations each season can be costly, especially if you're on a budget.  It's pretty easy to change out flowers and decorations for each season and holidays but what about the fine art photos, or paintings on your walls?  Sometimes you just need to change that photo or painting that's been hanging over the couch for 5 plus years but you don't have the budget to change them out every year.

Here's a simple tip to keep things in your home feeling fresh and new.
To keep things feeling new, I recommend buying 4 main different images.  They can be photos or paintings of each season, or just 4 different images you prefer.  Hang all 4 up in different rooms.  Put the main one for that specific season in the Living Room or your most used room.  The other images can go in bedrooms, bathrooms or where ever you choose.  I do recommend having them in separate rooms that way when you switch things out, each room feels a little fresher.

Then for each season, move them around.  For example, during the summer, you can have a summer image in the Living Room.  Then when autumn arrives, switch out the photo for the autumn one and move the summer one to the spot the autumn one was at.  It's a great way to keep you from getting bored from looking at the same photo all the time.  We like to do this in our home.  I usually put the latest season that has just passed in the room that's less used.  So if it's spring, I move the winter image to a guest bedroom and move the others around also.  There are many possibilities but it's pretty simple and can be done on a budget.

You can even do this for your office.  You can store 3 images and have 1 hanging that gets switched out every 3 months or so.  Regular returning clients will love the change of sceneries. 

What are some things you do to help your walls looking fresh on a budget?  Please comment below.
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